Saturday, February 12, 2005

The good news and the bad news.....

In the few days since my last post much has gone on. My husbands employer has gone bankrupt and is in the process of being acquired by another company. We have spent the past three months wondering if he will have a job. It has been, to say the least, very stressful. But where there is bad, thankfully there is good. Just as the cold Canadian winds blew all the way down south to us here in Tampa on Thursday night, I received an email from a lovely lady in Toronto named Stephanie. She informed me that I am a winner of a thank you gift for my MSF donation! Can you believe it? I've never won anything before! At least nothing as cool as yarn! Three whole skeins of.....guess what........KUERYON! Can you believe it?! The knitting goddess has smiled on this little knitter. I've spent the past 48 hours knitting anything that comes into my sight. A heart purse, a baby sweater, baby hat, booga bag, moms sweater, and even finishing a little vest I made for my son for easter last year (and is therefore too small now). I guess the stress from life and a large dose of PMS have sent me into a knitting frenzy and frankly, I'm surprised that I'm sitting here writing this instead of starting the baby sweater.


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