Future Booga

Isn't it lovely? I am finally going to make myself a knitting project bag. I just hope its big enough. Instead of beginning with the bag, I want to start with the straps so I can use all possible yarn for the bag. Maybe I could also knit more for the bottom, making it wider but then I would most likely have to go back for more yarn. I also need to figure out if I've got size 10.5 dpns. Another trip to the lys might be inevitable.
On the moms sweater front, things are slowed down again. All the momentum I had going after finishing the bottom ribbing and neckband was halted when I began the sleeves. I did everything right, but the underarm (where I picked up the sts) doesn't look as neat as the rest of the arm. Also, I placed the marker (where the dec for the sleeve were to be made) in the middle of the underarm row, then joined (at the end of this row) and began knitting in the round. Well, after a few sets of decs, I realized that I was going to lose my beg of round spot to dec because I didn't have that marked and was worried that my sleeve would be lopsided as I worked it without knowing where the beg and end was! Am I going crazy? I think so. After two nights of staring at the underarm seam, I decided to pick up Maya's legwarmer which was coming along beautifully until I decided that it wasn't large enough width wise and increased sts helter skelter along two rows. Now, it is too wide. I will rip that back and start after the ribbing again. Sigh. So what do I do? Go to the yarn store for more projects! Someone....Anyone......Help Me!!!
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