Yarn! Yarn! Yarn!

So there we are. Five Floridians taking refuge in beautiful northern Georgia. We visited historic Dahlonaga and found a yarn store! At first, when we went inside there was all this cotton quilting fabric everywhere and I was so disappointed cause I really wanted them to have yarn! So my mom asked one of the ladies if they had some and lo and behold in a seperate garage at the rear of the house, floor to ceiling yarn! It was my fairytale yarn store ending and I had a blast! My mom (who doesn't knit) even got in on the excitement and bought 12 skeins of Jo Sharp tweed wool for me to knit her a sweater! She bought me some yarn for me too for my birthday present: two skeins of KPPPM and some dk cotton blend for a poncho/shawl I want to make. Thank you mommy!
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