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I fight back tears of joy as I write this...
I finished the ribbed guersney sweater for my little boy tonite! Not only did I make it through adjusting a new gauge/yarn and ripping my seams out multiple times but DS likes it!!!! All it needs now are three small buttons. Oh happy day! I actually finished something that someone is wearing!! I feel validated as a knitter. In my excitement to get and post this picture, I almost destroyed the memory card in the camera by ripping it out before the power was off!
Oh my little guy is so sweet! I got this pattern out of the Debbie Bliss Great Knits for Kids Book. It's lovely isn't it? I think there would have been better stitch definition if I hadn't used the oatmeal/wheat color of lion brand wool ease, but this project was knit from the stash (I wasn't sure my math would be right and didn't want to screw up on expensive yarn).
Now for the bad news: I am going to frog moms sweater. Actually, I'm not too down about that, the only thing that is worrying me is after I frog it the yarn will be all wavy and bent out of shape. I frogged my cape mod once and the yarn didn't look so neat and tidy when I stitched it up again. Is this common? Normal? How do I avoid this?
Although I've been knitting for a couple of years now, I still feel like a newbie most of the time. Sigh. Well chalk another finished project up to my experience!
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